about us


Stanly Dev is a technology company based in the innovative!
 We’re a bunch of people who love technology, are constantly amazed at how it enables business and changes our every day lives and we want to share what we know with you.
We want to make technology simple.


This is the hub of all our thoughts, view, rants, advice, and how-to blog that we hope will help people become more aware of rugged mobile technology whilst hopefully learning and contributing a thing or two yourself. You might just be or become as passionate as us…you never know!

Our blog contains a huge number of posts about news in IT, web & mobile software development, testing, design, marketing and more. 
We have an extensive database of helpful tips for our favorite readers on: 
  • Android
  •  iPhone 
  • Windows Phone
  •  JAVA
  • PHP 
  • Drupal 
  • Joomla
  •  Ruby 
  • WordPress 
  • .Net
  •  #C 
and other development technologies.


This is the most important point in everything we do. Because only when you have clear goals and purposes will you do it well. 
As for this blog, here at Stanly Dev we enjoy learning new things and finding ways to improve our job. We are sure our tech readers are just as willing to boost their productivity. Stanly Dev's IT Journal aims to do just this!


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